Monday, July 21

I guess I really believe in this stuff

Last week I was talking to a co-worker about the issue I was having with food allergies (hives) and she asked what I was going to do about it. When I tried to explain the 'voo-doo' doctor I see, she said "so I guess you really believe in this stuff then." Which made me think. And well . . . . I guess I do.

I see an acupuncturist who is also a NAET practitioner. NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques 
and I've been getting treatments for a couple years. I call it 'voo-doo' because it sounds weird and it is weird and if you google it, you will find all kinds of information on how it's fake.

But I have experienced relief from my allergies. And they were severe. I was basically allergic to nature. Most trees, pollens, flowers, grasses, molds, etc. My primary care doctor asked me for a few years if I was ready to see an allergist. Then the allergist told me that my allergies would only continue to get worse and there would come a time that I would consider the effort shots would take. He was right. I got to that point. That point where dealing with my allergies got so bad, it was worth making an effort to fix them.

I told myself I would go in with an open mind and would reserve judgement for four treatments. After four treatments, I would decide if it was working or if I would start the shot regimen. Lying on the mat after my first treatment, I could breathe fully through both nostrils. I had not been able to do that in so long, I had forgotten what it felt like. So much air. So easily.

And I kept going and now I no longer take any medication and have no symptoms most of the time. (When I went on vacation to another state, I ended up having horrible congestion from a whole other group of plants that I didn't bother getting treated for. So I got treated and when I went back the next year, no allergies.) I love NAET. It works for me. So I guess I do really believe in this stuff.

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