Sunday, July 17


When I was in college, I was friends with a guy that was way more into me than I was to him. At first, I kind of liked him. Until it got to be obvious how hard he was trying.

Side-note: What is it in our makeup that immediately turns our brains 360° when someone tries too hard? Why don't we want someone who tries hard? Experience has taught me that it's better than someone who doesn't try at all.

Anyway, we remained friends during my on again off again relationship with a cheater. He was always there for me and kind to me. In return, I took total advantage of him. In was only interested in being friends when it suited me. When I wanted to feel wanted. Wanted to try and irritate the boyfriend. I thrived on the drama of it all. I think I intentionally created situations to be soap-opera-esque.

I don't know what happened to him. Shockingly, we lost touch. I feel I owe him an apology. So . . .

JR, I'm sorry for being unkind to you. I was childish and selfish and just plain mean. There is no excuse for how I treated you and it makes me sick to think that I was that person.

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